In the Mirror

The Perfect New Year’s Resolution

Think of all the New Year’s resolutions you’ve ever made. Truth be told, weren’t they a gargantuan waste of time? Really H-U-G-E? Why? Take me, for example. Oh, wait. You can’t. I never make New Year’s resolutions because they’re mostly aimed at self-improvement. Since I was improved at birth, there’s no point.

But, Sidney is a good example…

The Death Tax Haunts Us All

The House voted last week to immortalize the Death Tax by killing next year’s moratorium on the Grim Reaper’s boon to the Federal Government. So, estates in excess of $3.5 million will be taxed at a permanent 45% rate. Democrats, who passed the measure without Republican support, hailed their move. To them, it’s only fair for families to pay a debt to the nation that allowed them to create their wealth.

A Simple Solution

Late last Saturday night, our House of Representatives passed, by three votes, the biggest power grab ever dared by our voracious Federal Government. Stunning in its breadth, the so-called healthcare bill, at a cost of $1.2 trillion, is loaded with taxes, regulations and pork. We can thank a simple majority, or in this case three representatives, for approving a measure that fundamentally changes the role of the Government. What to do about it? Right now, there’s a lot of loudRead more…

Red Rover

Do you know the game? It’s called Red Rover. When I first heard about it, I thought it was about me because I’m red, sort of. And, ‘Rover’ is one of those names humans liked to give us in the really old days. Turns out, it’s not about me after all, which is really too bad because there never can be too much me. Anyway, it’s actually this thing human kids play. A great game because all you need isRead more…

Send Me The Check

I was reading the newspaper the other day and, wow, did a light bulb ever go off. I’m owed a gigantic check from The Man, you know, The Human with the super big bank account. I think they call it reparations. Why? Payback for thousands of years of humans taking unfair advantage of us canines. You know, working us like dogs for scraps of food, creating way too many types of us and stuff like that. It all started aboutRead more…

Participating Citizen

I’ve never been much for participating myself. I’d rather stand apart and be admired. You know, like from afar. It’s just simpler that way. A lot less messy. And, it’s worked really well for me, with all of my adoring fans and stuff. But, after Sidney told me all about that healthcare hodgepodge, I’ve changed my tune. That’s right. I’m whistling to the beat of a different drummer. From now on, call me Mr. Joiner. Why? Well, even though I’veRead more…

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