The Silly SentinelMonday, February 17, 2025

The Persistence of Stupidity

Dateline:  DumpsterFireVille, February 16, 2025

Trump has been back in office for 26 days. In that time, he’s reduced the flow of illegal immigration by over 90%, secured the release of two wrongly held hostages from Russian prisons, showed unwavering support for Israel, strengthened America’s standing in the world and launched an ongoing effort to end wasteful government spending and strangling regulations, among other accomplishments.

Meanwhile, Progressives are making fools of themselves screaming and yelling about their woke world crashing down around them. Other Dems are trying to figure out why they were trounced in November. Too many attribute the loss to inconsequential failings such as Biden’s refusal to give a Super Bowl interview in 2024.

The real reason for the defeat lies in the list of Trump’s successes in his first four weeks. If he could reduce illegal immigration to a trickle, Biden could have done it as well. But, instead, he opened the floodgates and Trump came rushing through. Trump’s strengthening of America’s international standing was only possible because of the deep hole of weakness Biden threw us into. His inflation, exploding national debt and all the rest handed victory to Trump on a platter.

If the Dems do not come to their senses and center their philosophy of governance they’ll become the lost party of political archeology. Which would be a good thing except for them.

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