Silly Sentinel

Groundhog Day In U.S. Politics

DATELINE: Boringville, January 13 – Through one source or another, we all know about Groundhog Day. If you haven’t been introduced to Punxsutawney Phil, you’ve seen the 1993 Bill Murray movie. They’re both about repeating the same experience ad nauseam. In Phil’s case, it’s the dreary winter day repetition. With the movie, it is reliving the same 24 hours seemingly forever…

Free Speech Double Whammy

Much of the analysis of the Paris massacres perpetrated by Islamic extremists focuses on the chilling effect of the murderous rampage on free speech. If your life will end violently because your utterances or writings offend the sensibilities of barbaric cowards, you’re apt to keep your ideas to yourself. It’s an Orwellian nightmare come to life…

The Real Fuss Over An Imperious Presidency

President Obama finally did what he said about two dozens times before that he couldn’t do. He is “shielding” four million more illegal immigrants from deportation and granting them social services funded by American taxpayers. What Obama once characterized as only possible if he were an emperor, he now justifies because it’s just. Like, just after the election when voters can’t take it…

Pelosi: Out With The Old

DATELINE: OldPeopleLieTooville, November 15 – Nancy Pelosi has had a very tough couple of days. First came the Jonathan Gruber revelation that Obamacare was sold to the American voters on a combination of politicians’ lies and gross voter stupidity. Then came the post-election suggestion from members of the media that…

Still Crazy After All These Elections

DATELINE: Asylumville, November 6 – President Obama held a press conference the day after the election to discuss the results. Like most sane people, he first congratulated the winners. He then recognized that voters want their elected officials in D.C. to work together to render rational solutions. So far, so good…

Why We All Want The Republicans To Win

Election day is tomorrow. It can’t come soon enough. Campaigns these days are longer, nastier and more devoid of substance than ever before. This year, Republicans are running against President Obama and his dismal poll numbers. Democrats are running against the GOP brand using every fear tactic that creative marketing minds can muster. The candidates themselves are up to their necks in mud slung too often and too hard…

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