Silly Sentinel

Hurray For College

Dateline: Thankfulville, January 10, 2017 – A lot of people sidestep college on their way to tremendous careers. I know I did. But, there’s one college we can all be thankful for – the Electoral College. You’d think all that stuff would be behind us by now. But, if you watched Trump’s Attorney General nominee get grilled on the Hill today, you know that isn’t true, at least not yet. Just try to picture the mess we’d be in if the EC hadn’tRead more…

The Weak That Was

Dateline: Punyville, February 22, 2015 – The word weak can mean a variety of things, a fair amount of them bad. Stuff like feeble, lame, spineless, muted, diluted and half-hearted. Lame and spineless are personal favorites because examples come in so many different flavors. Today, we focus on…

Still A JV Team After All These Months

DATELINE: Amateurville, February 10 – The Obama Administration’s response to the ISIS threat should be a tired subject by now. And it would be except for the deepening tragedy of it all. We learned this week that, despite the denials, Obama has never given up on his assessment of the murdering horde as a JV team…

A Tale Of Two Strategies

Back in 2008, campaigner Barack Obama was full of promises of the glories to come if he were elected President of the United States. He would usher in the next utopia on the domestic front. He vowed to increase respect for America on the world stage. According to a Gallup poll taken the week after the election, 76% of the responders believed…

What Is Obama Talking About?

DATELINE: What?ville, February 4, 2015 – When the news broke yesterday of the immolation of the Jordanian pilot, President Obama was attending yet another Obamacare dog and pony show at the White House. He was surrounded by his pity props, all ten of them, who had written letters praising the healthcare law’s impact on their lives…

The Incredible Shrinking President

Yesterday, the U.S. backed government in Yemen fell to the rebels it fought unsuccessfully for years. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, one of America’s strongest allies in the region, died. The leanings of his successor are unclear. The Israelis provided aerial photos of a new Iranian long-range missile capable of reaching our shores. And President Obama was in the White House taking selfies with a…

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