If you have a huge mess on your hands, you can (1) clean it up, (2) hide it, (3) deny it exists or (4) blame someone else. With the Obamacare debacle, or the ACA Con (apologies to the Aga Khan), the White House has only one of these doors available to it. Door #1 gets a thumbs-down since ‘clean’ for this massively complex muddle means tear down and start over. But, the President has dug in his heels. The law isRead more…
In 1835 an admiring Upstate New York dairy farmer gave a gigantic wheel of cheddar cheese to President Andrew Jackson. The wheel was four feet in diameter, two feet thick and weighed 1,400 pounds. After two years of giving huge chunks of it to friends and hardly making a dent in the wheel, Jackson had a great disposal idea. In 1837, he held a public reception for 10,000 people who finished the block off in about two hours. Saluting Jackson’s ingenuity inRead more…
The latest Lame Spin Award goes to several types for putting a happy face on the Film Noir future they have in store for us. Our favorite Film Noir Genre type is sci-fi, starting with the 1982 futuristic movie, Blade Runner. It oozes a dark, dystopian foreboding that enshrouds the slow, but inevitable, decay of the human condition. The stifling bleakness is the inevitable result of the death of individuality killed by the institutions that have grown to control every aspectRead more…
It’s that time of year again. Movie and TV people are birthing their large litter of self-congratulatory award ceremonies. There’s the Hollywood Film Festival Awards, the Critics Choice Awards, the Emmys, the People’s Choice Awards, the SAG Awards, the Golden Globes and the Oscars to name a few. So, we’re going to give some awards, too. All Lame Spin, of course, but the winners are in similar categories to the Hollywood variety only for the worst rather than the best. And we’re sticking toRead more…
President Obama chose not to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty this week. Small wonder. If placed in the list of the ten longest wars in world history, this one would rank second. Since it began, we’ve spent almost $21 trillion fighting poverty with precious little to show for it. The poverty rate in this country now stands at 15.1%, lower than in 1964, but higher than it’s been in over 20 years. With the lone exception of 1983, today’s rate is the highest since theRead more…
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, on his tenth shuttle mission to the Mideast, announced this week that peace in the region is “not mission impossible”. What he means is that the Israelis and the Palestinians may actually be able to live side-by-side in harmony at some point. The immediate goal is to negotiate the creation of a Palestinian State adjoining Israel’s border. The creation of a Palestinian State requires Israel to retreat to its 1967 borders before it captured Gaza, the WestRead more…