In the movie, Young Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein was puzzled by his creation’s behavior and asked his assistant, Igor, “Who’s brain did I put in?” Igor, misunderstanding the ‘abnormal’ label on the jar that previously held the brain, replied, “Abby Normal”. That pretty much also describes Obama’s international strategy. He pulled it right out of the Abby Normal jar on Igor’s foreign policy shelf.
Turns out, Obama’s signature legislation is really the ACA Con, a joke, a fraud. There have been so many delays and exemptions, the law has become the Avoidable Care Act. For those who prefer to run their own lives, Obamacare is the best thing to come down the liberal pike in quite some time. Much ado about not very much except, of course, cost. That’s huge.
In an appearance at UCLA this week, Hillary Clinton claimed that, as Secretary of State, she acted with rugged pragmatism in dealing with Russia. According to Clinton, her tough girl approach was designed to ensure that the U.S. would meet its goals. It sounds laudable enough, except for one small detail. Truly assessing Clinton’s claims is impossible because it’s impossible to identify the goals of the Obama Administration in any aspect of its foreign policy. For this obfuscation, the President wins thisRead more…
At least as far as Obamacare goes, the Dems have taken the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” to heart. In this mid-term election year, they’ve decided not to fix the law, probably because the only solution is to go back to the drawing board. They’ve also decided not to ignore it, probably because it’s too big to ignore. So, Democrats in Congress have decided to stand united in support of the President’s signature legislation.Read more…
George Orwell’s dystopian novel, ‘1984’, portrays a dreary, tyrannical society where thought and behavior are tightly controlled by a socialism-based totalitarian regime. According to the book’s title, its harsh reality was to arrive a mere 35 years after its 1949 publication. It turns out that Orwell, who died the following year, was a tad premature. His future may actually have arrived in 2014, 65 years after the tome debuted. In ‘1984’, the repressive regime is at war with the entire worldRead more…
It explains a lot. Critics have chalked up Eric Holder’s chronically strange behavior to cluelessness. In reality, he’s been asleep for a very long time like Rip van Winkle, the Washington Irving character who slept for 20 years. But, instead of sleeping peacefully like van Winkle, Rip van Holder is a chatty somnambulist. His secret was discovered earlier this week during a presentation at Georgetown University Law Center. The subject was the re-enfranchisement of felons. According to Holder, reinstating the right to voteRead more…