Just Not Smart Enough

There was an opinion article published last month in well-known newspaper that irked me no end (http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-rodriguez18-2009may18,0,5064800.column). The article complained about too much “direct” democracy. It chided a system that allows an incompetent populous to vote on important political matters. The real answer, according to the author, was for the dopes that vote to, instead, “find a way to make our representatives do their jobs.” Although the article didn’t spell it out, the implication was that the public should voteRead more…

A Tribute To The Hubble Telescope

The Hubble Telescope, that great invention of man, is close to its end. Heralded for almost 20 years for vastly increasing our knowledge of an even vaster universe, the Telescope’s replacement is already in production. The substitute, the Webb Space Telescope, is on schedule for a 2013 launch. Right now, the Space Shuttle Atlantis is on a mission to repair Hubble for the last time. Just in case you’re not completely familiar with the Telescope, check out its website. YouRead more…

The Whys of Pet Sitting

Riley and I have one. A pet sitter. She isn’t really “ours”. But, she does stay with us when Mom’s away. We prefer to call our sitter by her name, Koni, since she doesn’t actually sit on us. She does take us for walks. She also plays with us in the backyard. The three of us watch TV together, usually Animal Planet, which we all enjoy, or one of the geek channels, which are my personal favorites. And, of course,Read more…

Pet Travel

We have an article in This Week In Animal Welfare about pet travel accessories. And they do sound very nice. Too bad we can’t use them in a different way. Like just sitting in the car and pretending to travel. Because there’s no way that I’m going to willingly get into a vehicle and be driven anywhere for the fun of it. I completely agree with one of Riley’s earlier blogs about cars. But, his article was pretty limited. HeRead more…

Dog Grooming

Here’s the thing. Shiba Inus hate water. Not on the inside, of course. I mean, we love to drink the stuff. It’s on the outside where we have a problem. We are so water-averse that we walk around puddles. And that’s the big issue with dog grooming. It’s not the nail trimming or the ear cleaning or the teeth brushing or even the de-shedding tool. It’s the bath. If dog grooming meant everything but that last part, it would beRead more…

Foxes and other problems

Here’s the deal. If I’m called a fox one more time I’m going to explode. Usually, I’m very mild-mannered and considerate. But, I’ve been a called a fox for the past six years by people who see me out walking with Mom. That’s maybe six thousand times. Here’s a big hint – does anyone really think she has a fox on a leash? How many animal control violations would that be? I know Shiba isn’t a common breed here inRead more…

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