Let’s Take A Poll

There’s been a leadership vacuum in Washington for quite a while now. You can hear the giant sucking sound all the way to the Hawaiian Islands. In fact, some say all that rushing air causes most of the hurricanes and tidal waves out in the vast waters of the Pacific.

And you’ve also heard about the list of powerful organizations that really run the Country. Like, the military-industrial complex…

The First Victim Of The Public Option

Dateline: Washington DC Today, at 12:00 pm, ET, The American Way Of Life took her last breath. Dependent upon public healthcare for her survival, she had been on life support in recent years. Even so, it seemed, on more than one occasion, that she might rally and recover her strength. After all, she was a tough old bird. But, in the end, she succumbed to gross malpractice. She was 233 years old. The American Way Of Life was born onRead more…

The Cure For Buyer’s Remorse

We’ve all felt it. Especially after a large purchase that we soon realize wasn’t necessary or even really wanted. That sick, sinking feeling called buyer’s remorse. In fact, the weight of this remorse can be so great – and so common – that there are laws to nip it in the bud. Like, when you buy a car. Or a house, although there’s not enough of that going around lately. Buyers have a cooling off period after signing on theRead more…

What About Garbage Patch Hauls?

Back in Mom’s heyday they were all the rage, those cabbage patch dolls. They were so ugly they were cute. And very collectible. My great aunt on Mom’s side had dozens of them. Where are they now? Many are still in collections, no doubt. But, some may be in the Pacific Ocean, living these days in one of the Great Garbage Patches. A long way from cabbage and definitely not cute, but very, very real all the same. So, areRead more…

Dash For Dunkers

You know how it is these days. Tough economic times are everywhere. They have us tightening our collars and keeping our old toys for the long haul. Of course, we aren’t just sitting around, biting our tails (which is pretty easy to do when they curl over your back). Everyone is struggling to come up with ideas that will dig us out of the recession pit. But, so far most of the ideas haven’t worked. In fact, there are almostRead more…

No Dog Left Behind

I know the economy is bad and seems to be getting worse, not better. I know that you have your hands full just coping day to day. But, I have a plea to make to you on behalf of my brothers and sisters all across the country. From the bottom of my heart, please don’t leave us behind. What I mean is, please keep us in the family. Many humans are placing their furry companions in shelters or even tyingRead more…

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