On the Left Side

Hope And Change: Obama’s Assault On Accountability

We have to be extra careful these days. Stupid salvos are flying everywhere. They’re being fired from the Obama hope-and-change artillery in a barrage that makes Shock and Awe look like aw shucks. You know, Obama’s focused efforts to fulfill his over-and-over-again promises that things are going to be different. Trouble is, his ‘different’ means leveling everything and everyone. Take from achievers. Give to the lesser accomplished. In the process, he’s flattening out our system of economic rewards like…

Election Year Prediction: The End Of Daze

Now days especially, we’re admonished to straighten up and get our lives in order because the end is near. According to some interpretations of the Mayan calendar, Doomsday is December 21, 2012. Of course, astronomers point out the faulty reasoning. But, it’s a lot more fun to talk about the end of time than the end of the economy. And a lot more profitable, too, if you’re Sony Pictures or John Cusack…

Leadership Failure: The Special Needs Child

There was an article on the BBC website the other day about British school kids. It reads a lot like our nation’s current leadership mess. Turns out, many of the kids are mislabeled as “special needs” when all they really need is a little discipline. But, it’s much easier for their teachers to neutralize their unruliness by pushing them right into special ed. Make the little darlings someone else’s problem – and at a high monetary cost, to boot, but…

Leadership Failure: The Mosque Mess Part II

The Mosque-Near-Ground-Zero controversy rages on and is not likely to end anytime soon. The Mosque backers have backed themselves into a corner. The President of the United States is making a sales pitch few are buying. Politicians across the Country, both pro and con, are stoking the fire, some with more ridiculous arguments than others. And some who are just plain ridiculous. Meanwhile, the main concerns of the Country go unanswered. No one knows when it will be over or how…

Comprehensive Reform: Regulation Roulette

In 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act. All 31 pages of it. Signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, it created the Federal banking structure, including the national bank and the entire Federal Reserve System. In 1935, Franklin Roosevelt signed into law both the National Labor Relations Act and the Social Security Act. They total a combined 107 pages. The Civil Rights Act, inked 29 years later by Lyndon Johnson, came in at 74 pages…

Tax And Spend: Can’t We Just Be Like Switzerland?

Less than two weeks before his inauguration, Barack Obama stated that only the Government could rescue the American economy. He intended to spend our way out of the Great Recession. Mounting national debt did not give pause for thought, let alone deter. True to his word, Obama’s been on a spending binge unlike anything in our nation’s history.

Most of it has gone to increase social benefits rather than…

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