Last week, the hopes of physicists everywhere were dashed again. The elusive Higgs boson particle remains elusive. Without going into a bunch of boring science, the Higgs, also known as the “God particle”, is a major big deal. It’s never been seen and there is no evidence that it actually exists, but it has to be real. Why? Without it, much of what we believe about physics is wrong. The mystery particle is the glue that holds our…
If the GOP learns only one lesson from it’s latest scalding by the Tea Party, it had better be this. Get a handle on the ‘baggers before they put you in the country’s rearview in 2012. Last week, a Tea Party candidate played the familiar role of spoiler in a race that saw the Republican contender defeated in a GOP stronghold. Granted, the Democrat margin of victory was slim and plenty of Mediscare tactics were in…
Last week, President Obama went down to the border looking for some immigration reform support. He was in a bind because he’s at least three years behind in his promise to get it done. So, you’d think he would have been at least courteous to those who seriously question the type of reform he’s been fiddling around with. After all, like the old saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. And given the congressional…
Not surprisingly, Osama bin Laden was nailed through information gained from interrogating terrorists. It led to a trusted associate of the world’s most wanted terrorist. From there, finding bin Laden was a matter of locating that individual and tracking him to al Qaeda’s leader. It took years to get the job done because of the elaborate security procedures that protected bin Laden. But, last Sunday, Osama got his. Good riddance to the man mislabeled a mastermind for pulling…
Last Wednesday, President Obama took another stab at talking about the debt and what he plans to do about it. The next day, he kicked off his re-election campaign in Chicago. The timing of the two events was not coincidental and that’s unfortunate. It’s past time for this President to take the debt seriously instead of using it as a prop for his political ambition. Nothing makes that clearer than Standard & Poor’s downgrading its outlook on U.S….
On a Sunday news show last weekend, one of the regulars was criticizing the Republicans’ 2012 budget proposal before it was even released. His gripe was that it doesn’t raise taxes on the “rich”. Of course, it doesn’t raise taxes on anyone, but that wasn’t his complaint. The guy thinks the rich, whoever they are because he didn’t throw out a figure, have to pay more because they’re not paying enough. As far as he’s concerned, they never…