Obama’s Indecisiveness: Not The Transparency We Can Believe In

Yesterday, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, stated that President Obama may be “too cautious”. She was referring to his inability to make a decision about how to handle ISIS in Syria. She was also being polite to the leader of her political party. Obama isn’t too cautious. He’s paralyzed. He’s also way too open about his paralytic condition…

ISIS: Obama’s Color–Blind Problem

Did you ever notice how the color red comes up a lot in politics? It’s mostly a negative, like red tape, red herring, red ink, caught red-handed and, of course, red line. Speaking of line color, this week marks the second anniversary of President Obama’s infamous, and unfulfilled, threat against the use of chemical weapons in Syria…

When All You Can Do Is Stupid Stuff

As Hillary Clinton said just the other day, “don’t do stupid stuff” is not an organizing principle of great nations. She was taking a jab at President Obama having made, excuse the expression, a dog’s breakfast out of American foreign policy. Last May, in a moment of candor, he did describe his foreign policy as just that. Not a…

The One And Only American Solution In Iraq

Yesterday, on his way to Martha’s Vineyard for another family vacation, the President took time to lecture us on the current situation in Iraq. If I had fingers, I’d run out of them trying to count the number of times he repeated two statements. The first one laid the blame for the ISIL invasion entirely on the current Iraqi government. The second statement…

Hobby Lobby: The Real Problem With The Contraceptive Mandate

The overreaction to Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores is even worse than the HHS overreach that led to the decision. The blowback in the short aftermath of Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling is huge and far more distorted than most political hyperbole. As a result, some of our completely gullible citizens are threatening to burn down the retailer’s locations…

Executive Disorder

The Constitution’s Recess Clause allows presidents to make executive appointments when the Senate is in recess. In 2012, Obama declared the Senate to be in recess when it was actually in session and proceeded to appoint three individuals to the NLRB. In National Labor Relations Board v. Canning, handed down on Thursday…

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